Paws and Apartment Living: A Guide to Training Your Puppy for Apartment Living

It’s easy to love living in an apartment with pets, but it’s also a lot of responsibility. Living with a dog presents unique challenges, from puppy training in a limited space to keeping them engaged throughout the day. Thankfully, there are some ways you can help create a comfortable living environment for you and your […]
SW By Sara Woods on May 14, 2024
A puppy sits on boxes as his owner moves into a pet-friendly apartment.

It’s easy to love living in an apartment with pets, but it’s also a lot of responsibility. Living with a dog presents unique challenges, from puppy training in a limited space to keeping them engaged throughout the day.

Thankfully, there are some ways you can help create a comfortable living environment for you and your pup in your apartment. From establishing a routine to ensuring your dog is well-behaved and happy, this guide from the experts at HILLS Properties provides urban pet care tips and more advice for living in a pet-friendly apartment.

Stick to a Schedule

Consistency is key when it comes to puppy training for apartment living. Setting a routine for feeding, bathroom breaks, exercise, and playtime helps your pup adjust to their new environment, preventing accidents and behavioral issues. A good practice is to take furry friends out first thing in the morning and then feed them when you get back inside. Remember to be patient as your puppy learns—consistent and positive reinforcement can go a long way.

Train Your Dog Well

Investing quality time and effort into training your dog from a young age will pay off in the long run, as you’ll avoid future headaches trying to get them to follow orders. Basic obedience commands such as ‘sit,’ ‘stay,’ ‘come,’ and ‘leave it’ are essential for maintaining control in close quarters and when you take them out.

: In a pet-friendly apartment, a dog learns to shake with its owner, who holds a treat.

Fun Obedience Tricks to Teach Your Pup

Teaching your puppy fun obedience tricks can keep them mentally stimulated and engaged, promoting happiness and a positive mindset. Here are a few simple tricks to teach your dog:

  • Roll Over!—Start by having your puppy sit and lie down. Hold a treat near their nose and slowly move it toward their shoulder, encouraging them to roll onto their side. Once they’ve completed the roll, reward them with a treat and plenty of praise.
  • Shake!—Begin by getting your puppy into a sitting position. Gently lift one of their front paws and say ‘shake’ every time you do so. Once they offer their paw willingly, reward them with a treat and praise, then repeat the process with the other paw.
  • Play Dead!—Have your puppy lie down on its side. Hold a treat near its nose and slowly move it toward the ground, encouraging it to roll onto its back. Once it’s laying on its back and sitting still, reward it with the treat and plenty of praise.

Pet-Proof Your Apartment

Puppies are naturally curious creatures, so taking precautions to pet-proof your apartment and keeping them safe from potential hazards is important. Secure electrical cords, store toxic substances out of reach, and remove any small objects that could pose a choking hazard. If you have feline friends living with you, consider ways to cat-proof your apartment.

Block Off Certain Areas

While providing your puppy plenty of freedom to explore is essential, there may be certain areas of your apartment that you’d prefer to keep off-limits. Use baby gates or pet barriers to block off rooms or areas your puppy isn’t allowed, such as bathrooms or home offices.

If you have a guest room that gets used often, it may be best to keep them out so it stays clean. Consistently reinforcing these boundaries will help your puppy develop a complete understanding of what areas are off-limits.

Give Them Their Own Space

Creating a designated space for your puppy can give them a sense of security and comfort in their new environment. Whether it’s a cozy crate or a plush dog bed tucked away in a corner, ensure your puppy has a quiet retreat where they can relax and unwind. Fill their space with toys, blankets, and other comforting items to make it feel like home.

A dog sits in his bed in his pet-friendly apartments.

Discourage Barking and Other Bad Behavior

Excessive barking can be a nuisance to you and your neighbors, so stopping this behavior early on is vital to apartment living with pets. Teach your puppy the ‘quiet’ command and reward them for staying calm and quiet. Provide plenty of mental and physical stimulation throughout the day to prevent boredom and reduce the likelihood of unnecessary barking. Consistency and positive reinforcement are key to addressing any undesirable behaviors effectively.

Take Them Outside Often

Regular exercise and outdoor time are crucial for keeping your puppy happy and healthy in an apartment setting. Aim for at least two walks a day—perhaps one before work and one after—along with plenty of opportunities for playtime and exploration. Consider visiting nearby parks or green spaces where your puppy can burn off excess energy and socialize with other dogs. Remember to be mindful of local leash laws and pack cleanup bags if your pup has to go potty while you’re out.

Live in a Dog-Friendly Apartment With HILLS

Living in an apartment with a dog can feel daunting at first, but with a little bit of effort and creativity, you can create a harmonious living environment for you and your canine companion. By designing your home to be safe and cozy and keeping them engaged with regular playtime and trips outside, you can keep your dog happy and healthy all year long.

HILLS Properties proudly offers pet-friendly apartments perfect for dog owners and their pups. We have several spacious floor plans available, and many of our communities include an on-site dog park and pet spa. Contact your local HILLS Properties apartment community today to get started!

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